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Why do you limit the amount of photos and videos I can upload to each memory?
Why Juno?
Company information
How did you come up with the idea for Juno?
Who is the team behind Juno?
Why is the app called Juno?
Do my family members also have to pay for a Premium subscription?
What happens if I cancel my Premium subscription?
App and web
Can I use Juno on the computer?
Is my data safe with you?
Move memories
Move a suggested memory reminder
Which reminders can I move?
Photos and videos
(iPhone) I can't add the photos I want to add!
How do I get photos and videos to Juno that are on my computer?
How long will my photos and videos be stored?
How many photos can I upload?
How many videos can I upload and how long can they be?
Why can't I upload videos?
Why do you limit the length of videos I can upload?
Why does the date of my memory change as soon as I upload a photo or video?
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Print my memory book
How can I print memory books from Juno?
What are the options and prices for printed memory books?
What happens to my videos when I print a memory book?
My profile
How can I change my child's profile picture?
Push notifications
Can I set the push reminders so they don't bug me?
Memory Book